Worldbuilding Wednesday – Some map details

This week’s been a bit crazy, particularly today. In between neglected day job tasks, laundry and preparing for a family event this weekend, I wasn’t sure I’d have time to do anything with my map today. Earlier in the week I was a bit lazy, so I haven’t gotten as far as I would’ve liked, but tonight I got some Continue reading Worldbuilding Wednesday – Some map details

Twice Fortnightly – After Camp

I told you already last week, though the month wasn’t over yet, that I won Camp. My total word count came to just shy of 20k, so I was quite happy with that. As I’ve also mentioned I was working on some erotic shorts that I’ll be publishing under a pen name. I should be announcing the name and my Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – After Camp

Welcome to Worldbuilding Wednesday

As I’ve mentioned in my Monday updates lately, I’m currently working on a big worldbuilding project. Since I thought it might be fun to share my work, and since I have an undying and probably unhealthy love for alliteration, I am hereby introducing Worldbuilding Wednesday, during which I’ll post about my progress, the problems I run into and how I Continue reading Welcome to Worldbuilding Wednesday

Twice Fortnightly – New-ish Projects

I hope you’ve all had a good week! I’ve had a okay week myself. This week I’m back to my original routine of worldbuilding, studying and writing as opposed to worldbuilding, writing and worldbuilding. To be honest, the double worldbuilding sessions didn’t make too much of a difference, I wasted most of them overthinking things and not working. Hopefully this Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – New-ish Projects

Twice Fortnightly – Spotty Progress

It’s been a weird first week of Camp NaNoWriMo. I’ve had two good days, two awful days and one okay day (hopefully a late night writing spurt will make it two okay days so far). I’m still well on track for my goal of 15k (I raised it from 10k a couple of days in), but I’m having some trouble Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Spotty Progress

Twice Fortnightly – One Day Left!

Until Camp NaNoWriMo, that is. And personally, I’m just itching to get started! It’s been a really good week this week. The schedule I set up for myself in last week’s update is working really well! Quite contrary to what I feared, the studying part of it has progressed slowly but surely, and the part I’ve struggled the most with has Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – One Day Left!

Twice Fortnightly – Dress Rehearsal Rag is out! And onwards.

This weekend, about 6 months and 10 days after the release of Going Home, its sequel Dress Rehearsal Rag hit the Kindle Store and Smashwords. Yay! Normally I’d do a separate post about news as big as this, but since it’s Monday, and since I’ve already told most people about it view Twitter, Facebook and my newsletter (which you, as Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Dress Rehearsal Rag is out! And onwards.

Worldbuilding – What do I need to Know?

I admire those writers who have outlined the entire histories of the worlds their stories take place in, who can describe every culture present in detail and even had the wildlife and geography of their entire world planned out. I am not one of those writers. I used to think that I would be, but eventually I’ve come to realize Continue reading Worldbuilding – What do I need to Know?