Flash Fiction Friday – The Child, The Other

As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been getting into tabletop RPGs lately. Naturally, one of the games on my “to play” list is the true giant of the genre, Dungeons and Dragons. I’m watching a few D&D streams right now, my favorite being the truly amazing Critical Role. The other day, I came up with a character concept that I absolutely adore Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Child, The Other

Flash Fiction Friday – Some Nights

Last night I went to a party. On the metro back I wrote this: Some nights, she felt cool. Not just cool for a geek, or cool for being her, but cool in some unqualified, objective way. Some nights, she felt sexy and, only halfway through her first cider, stopped worrying about whether it had been a mistake to wear Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Some Nights

Flash Fiction Friday – Ren and Tiktik (Numenera Character Backstory)

I have recently decided to get into tabletop RPGs, and in a week I’ll be playing my first session with a group, playing in a system called Numenera (which seems super cool). I’ve been working on my character today, so I thought I’d write a small piece of backstory for her about how she met her animal companion. Here it Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Ren and Tiktik (Numenera Character Backstory)

Flash Fiction Friday – The Immortal

Hey guys! It’s time for Flash Fiction Friday! I was watching the first half of Return of the King today with my parents, and tonight’s flash fiction piece, rather than being a Dixit prompt or from some prompt generator, is inspired by the character Arwen and the idea of an immortal sire to mortal progeny. Here it is: The girl had Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Immortal

Flash Fiction Friday – Changes

I’m totally not gonna comment on how dead my blog’s been lately. Nope. Not gonna do it. Here’s today’s Dixit card that I’m using for a flash fiction prompt: And here’s what I came up with: The scissor was heavy in her hand. She ran a fingertip along the blade, felt the bite of it’s sharpness. There’d be no going Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Changes

Flash Fiction Friday – Martyr-making

Look at me, actually remembering that it’s Friday before I’ve fallen asleep! Tonight, I don’t feel like using my beloved Dixit deck for a writing prompt, so instead I used Seventh Sanctum’s What-If-Inator and got the following prompt: What if Joan of Arc had access to CGI? And this is what I wrote: Jeanne smiled as she watched the writhing image Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Martyr-making

Twice Fortnightly – Coming out of a Slump

As you may have noticed, it’s been a bit quiet around here lately. I’ve been adjusting to getting back to work, and to gradually shifting more time and focus over to my studies. I also spent a few weeks with a completely shattered screen on my iPhone, which wouldn’t have been so bad if it was just the phone part I was Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Coming out of a Slump

Flash Fiction Friday – Waiting

This blog isn’t dead, wooh! I’ve been both horribly disorganized and sort of unmotivated for a few weeks. Earlier this week I finally got my phone working again (thank you, Kunal!), and by that I also got my productivity/planning apps left and boy have I missed them. I suddenly feel like I know what’s going on again! I can plan Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Waiting

Flash Fiction Friday – Games

It’s been a while since I did Flash Fiction Friday! Feels good to be back to it. No Dixit card tonight, instead I bring you a random scene. It was inspired by a dream I had the other night, just a short scene that gave me an idea for a detail to add to a culture in my worldbuilding. Here, Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Games

Flash Fiction Friday – Gleamies (Special preview!)

I’ve got a bit of a special piece of flash fiction for you today: a preview for an upcoming Patreon-exclusive serial! That’s right guys, I’m getting a Patreon! I’m launching it in Jan, and it’ll basically be one big experiment. I wanted to start “warming up” for it, so here is a little scene of the main character engaged in Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Gleamies (Special preview!)