Flash Fiction Friday – The Pegasus

I was way too distracted last night to do flash fiction; I was up until past 2 a.m. preparing random encounter tables for a D&D game I ran today. It went really well! And really long! And about half is left… I may have overplanned a bit… But it was fun! So since I have D&D on the brain, I’m Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Pegasus

Twice Fortnightly – Hello, 2017!

Hi guys! Hope you all have had a good start to 2017. I’ve had a pretty good one myself, I must say. Calm days, working on some long-term planing and centering myself for the coming years, done a bit of cooking and also watched the first two Harry Potter movies (doing one/evening until I start work again in a week). Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Hello, 2017!

Flash Fiction Friday – The Baronessa

Oh hey, Flash Fiction Friday is back. (Shut up, it’s still Friday until I go to bed, whatever the clock says! :P). Tonight I’m posting a short peice about a NPC from my D&D homebrew campaign setting, who I’ve rather fallen for: The Baronessa The baronessa finished reading the letter. Running her fingers over her youngest daughter’s brisk script, she Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Baronessa

Flash Fiction Friday – Mansplaining

Today, I used Seventh Sanctum‘s writing challenge generator and this line caught my eye: “During the story, a character eats something that disagrees with them.”. I find the ambiguity of the word disagree amusing, and at first I thought of talking cookies, but then, with what’s going on right now in politics, it made me think of this instead: Mansplaining “Well, Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Mansplaining

Flash Fiction Friday – The Offering

I actually wrote this yeterday but I was having some net connectivity problems and couldn’t post it before bed. So here it is now! I did something a bit different with this flash fiction piece. My boyfriend suggested that instead of using one of my regular methods of prompt generation (like Dixit cards or random generators online) I should use Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Offering

Flash Fiction Friday – Different, Familiar

Evenin’ guys! Check me out, I remembered to post this on Friday this week. Tonight, I went to the house warming party of my next door neighbor, who happen to have moved into the apartment of the parents of someone I was best friends with basically up until I hit my teens. So since I couldn’t think of anything else Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Different, Familiar

Flash Fiction F-Saturday – She Died

Another busy week, another day late flash fiction piece. No matter, at least I remembered. This one was inspired by a prompt from Seventh Sanctum’s prompt generator and written… um, in The next minute or so, on the subway. She Died She died for love,  they said. The blades fell upon her for the unbridled passion that lived in her. I Continue reading Flash Fiction F-Saturday – She Died

Flash Fiction Friday – The Feather

Hi guys! Time for flash fiction Friday. Tonight I’m doing a piece based on a Dixit card again! It’s been a while, so it was fun to do it. Here we go: He hurried between the trees, crouched low. Moving with barely more than a swish, he dodged around shrubs and over roots following the tracks without the slightest hesitation. Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Feather

Twice Fortnightly – Oh hey, October!

How is it October? What happened? It’s almost NaNo! Anyway, I’ve been a bad blogger lately. It’s been busy. I am finally seeing the light at the end of the busy, at least school-wise. Here’s what I’ve done in terms of writing the past week: Posted a piece to Flash Fiction Friday. Started a new semi-regular feature on Zero Eight Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Oh hey, October!

Flash Fiction Fri- Saturday – The Session

Last night I was way too tired for my flash fiction, so I kept it for today. Recently I’ve been watching The Flash and it got me thinking it’d be fun to write a book, or even a comic, about a prison for people with superpowers where there was actually some attempt at rehabilitation. I decided to nibble at the idea Continue reading Flash Fiction Fri- Saturday – The Session