Flash Fiction Friday – The Capybara

I felt like writing something cute today, so I decided to use this meet-cute generator and write the adorable opening paragraphs from some hypothetical story. I got this prompt in my first batch: “One character finds the lost toy of the other character’s child.” and since I’ve been watching a lot of Dream Daddy streams lately, of course I had to use Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Capybara

Twice Fortnightly – Personal Record(?)!

Disclaimer: this post contains mild productivity-bragging. If you’re a writer and feeling bad about your level of productivity: don’t! You are doing your best! I am super lucky that right now my health bar is at full and my calendar is empty, which let’s me focus a ton of time on this. I brag on only because my productivity makes Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Personal Record(?)!

Flash Fiction Friday – The New Body

Tonight’s flash fiction piece is vaguely inspired by a dream I had the other day, though the tone in this is quite different from the dream: She sat in front of the tank for several hours the day before. The body was awe-inspiring, tall and powerful, silicone skin flawless. The red lips were parted slightly, showing a row of brilliant Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The New Body

Twice Fortnightly – Back to a Time-Honored Tradition (no, 2!)

Wow. I am one week back into my blogging and already I am back to my old habit of, at intervals, pretending that it’s Monday on Tuesday. Well, I had a good reason this time because last night when I remembered that it was Monday, I didn’t have much energy left with which to do things, and I was left Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Back to a Time-Honored Tradition (no, 2!)

Flash Fiction Friday – The Missing Boy

Yay, first flash fiction post in a while. I had the idea for this scene on a train in Wellington, watching a young conductor interact with some local schoolkids. I’ve got some other related ideas, so this may turn into something longer eventually: “And what are you kids talking about?” he said, playfully feigning a smack upside one boy’s head, Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Missing Boy

Flash Fiction Friday – The First Score

I postponed my Flash Fiction Friday post until today so that I’d be able to write a piece based on my first session of the RPG Blades in the Dark (by John Harper). It was a lot of fun even though the GM (read: I) hadn’t quite prepared enough. Here’s a little scene I wrote that took place just after the Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The First Score

Twice Fortnightly – Basically Last Week of School

I was not particularly happy with my progress last week. I did get a few things done, but not as much as I would’ve liked. Here’s what I did: Wrote for 8h. 2/3 of my goal. I am not pleased. I wrote a short piece for Flash Fiction Friday! It was a little spur of the moment piece, but I Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Basically Last Week of School

Flash Fiction Friday – Guests

I felt like dragons today. The dragon yawned and stretched in the noontime sun, the golden scales glittering and sending flashes of light in dancing around the opening to the cave. The stone was nice and toasty by now, so much so it made her sleepy. She considered, in passing, spending the whole day there at the mouth of her Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Guests

Flash Fiction Friday – Subway Thoughts

Hi guys! I’m drunkish. I wrote a thing. Here it is: When she left the pub and went home that night, her head was full of lovers. Old lovers, tethered to her by fond memories. New lovers, their smells fresh and unknown. Lover that had come, and lovers that persisted. Lovers that might’ve been but never were, lovers that never Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Subway Thoughts

Flash Fiction Friday – The Fog

Yesterday evening it was decided that my at-home RPG group, the one where I’m the GM, will begin a campaign of Blades in The Dark (created by the brilliant John Harper) our next session. I’m very excited to be running this system. I’ve been watching a fair few games of it played online and the mechanics seem awesome, and the aesthetics Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Fog