Flash Fiction Friday – Dungeons & Flirting

I wrote this last night on my stream, and then almost forgot to post it before going to bed now. I use, once again, the Seventh Sanctum writing prompt generator to generate the first line of this flash piece. As soon as I saw it, I knew what I wanted to write about. Sorry, it’s not as naughty as the Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Dungeons & Flirting

Flash Fiction Friday – Claire The Starship Engineer

I ended up doing my Thursday stream today on Friday instead, because I was just very tired yesterday. On stream, I wrote (well, I began to write) the following piece. It was inspired by the Seventh Sanctum Writing Prompt Generator. The first line is the prompt. I really like this particular generator. It always has interesting stuff for me to Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Claire The Starship Engineer

Flash Fiction Friday – Terracotta on White

I’ve been away this weekend, and since the internet connection up there is a bit dodgy, I decided to just type up a flash fiction piece but not post it until I got back home tonight. I typed up a blog post, too, detailing a problem I was having with a recent story idea, which connects to the piece below. Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Terracotta on White

Flash Fiction Friday – A Little Temperance

Last night on the stream, I decided to write some flash fiction for my new D&D character, Temperance, a dragonborn monk. Here it is: The girl dipped the rag into the water bowl and then wrung it out, black-scaled little hands twisting the excess water out of the torn, stained fabric. ​”Stupid Father Illethor,” she mumbled as she bent over Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – A Little Temperance

Flash Fiction Friday – Meet-Cute Aborted

I saw a pretty boy today, so I wrote this: She’d just shoved her phone back in her pocket after answering a text when she spotted him. He looked like a slimmer Thor, a face at once handsome and beautiful and just the right amount of beard. Blond hair, just wind-tussled enough, spilled down to his shoulders, a few tresses Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Meet-Cute Aborted

Flash Fiction Friday – The Dandelion

I wasn’t sure what to write for Flash Fiction Friday today, and ended up looking at random gifs for prompts. I found this one pretty quick, searching for “purple”. Here we go: The evening sky was painted in reds and oranges, a thin veil of clouds over the setting sun. She picked the cup up off of the small table Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Dandelion

Flash Fiction Friday – Out of the Oven

It’s Friday! Today’s flash fiction piece may or may not be based on real events (on that note, you should check out my friend’s Twitch channel: twitch.tv/geminick_). Here we go: Ding! “Oh, they’re ready! I’m so excited!” the witch said, clapping her hands together as she stood up from the kitchen table. “I wonder how they turned out! Come on, Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Out of the Oven

Twice Fortnightly – Another Kind of Vacation.

There’s a thing that happens sometimes on Sunday evenings, where I suddenly realized that I haven’t opened my bullet journal for about two days and that my weekend to-do list in it is mostly blank. That’s not a shortcoming of the bullet journal system; it’s served me very well for the near-year I’ve been using it and has been an Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Another Kind of Vacation.

Flash Fiction – Ivory Predictions

Last night, I wrote Flash Fiction live on my Twitch stream for the first time! It was an interesting experience. A few trolls, but those were easily banned. Most of the stream was actually about other things, I conlanged some and ended up talking about worldbuilding with someone, so the flash fiction did sort of take a back seat but Continue reading Flash Fiction – Ivory Predictions

Twice Fortnightly – Live on the Interwebz

Exciting news, guys! I am in your interwebz, streaming! Technically, I started streaming in April (or was it May) with a few stray Sims 4 streams, but now I’m starting it proper. Starting this week, you can see me on my channel on Twitch on Mondays at 7 a.m. (for bullet journal prep and morning musings), on Thursdays at 10 Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Live on the Interwebz