Twice Fortnightly – NaNo is Upon us!

That’s right! It’s now November and that means NaNoWriMo is upon us. A busy but fun time of the year for me. This past week I have: Done my daily writing (but not quite reached 1k before NaNo started) Worked on the cover or some other aspect of Going Home not quite, but nearly every day. Announced the release date of Going Home. Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – NaNo is Upon us!

Announcement – Going Home Release Date!

So, I promised you guys a big announcement “on Saturday”. In all the excitement of NaNo starting Saturday sort of said zoom and was gone, but here I am, a mere day late, with my announcement: I have settled on a release date for Going Home! Exciting!! Going Home will be released on Kindle on 13/12-2014 (also known as St. Lucia’s Day here Continue reading Announcement – Going Home Release Date!

Novel In a Day – A First-timers Perspective

Last week I, quite spontaneously, decided to participate in the Novel in a Day project. It’s quite an interesting project, which I learned about only a few days before signing up. The inventor and host of the project, whose username is pigfender, plans and outlines a novel of whatever genre he pleases, and then the people who sign up are assigned Continue reading Novel In a Day – A First-timers Perspective

Twice Fortnightly – What a Week!

Boy, I have had a busy week. In the fun, energizing way, not the run around like a chicken with your head cut off way (which is a nice change, truth be told). There’s a satisfaction in feeling that you’ve been productive that I enjoy thoroughly. This week, for the first time since I started setting up weekly goals here Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – What a Week!

Twice Fortnightly – A Sigh of Relief

I finally finished my assignment! So now I’m half relieved and half holding my breath waiting to see if I pass. This is a course (or rather a module) that’s long overdue for completion, and if I don’t get it over with now it’ll seriously mess up my plans for the next couple of years. So cross your fingers for Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – A Sigh of Relief

Twice Fortnightly – Viva Barcelona!

This past week I have: Written ~550 words during my daily writing Started reading October’s chapter from One Year to a Writing Life, but not doing the exercises yet Posted about September’s chapter from One Year to a Writing Life. I originally thought I hadn’t done this because I’d accidentally posted it under the wrong date. My last goal, unfortunately, fell victim to poor time-management and a Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Viva Barcelona!

One Year to a Writing Life – September – The Alchemy of Writing

So, the chapter from One Year to a Writing Life that I did in September was called The Alchemy of Writing. It was a bit of a weird one. It was about finding an idea and turning it from a little nugget into a story through a series of steps. It started, like the earlier chapter on dreams and writing, with Continue reading One Year to a Writing Life – September – The Alchemy of Writing

Twice Fortnightly – By the Horns

This week has gone by so quickly, and I seem to have spent a good part of it, or at least this past weekend, doing things that make me uncomfortable. Mostly working on an assignment I’ve put off for ages, but also taking the bull by the horns and finally starting to poke at my cover for Going Home. It went Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – By the Horns

Twice Fortnightly: A real Milestone!

Guess what guys? I’ve finished the major edits of Going Home. Exciting! That’s not to say I’m finished. I have a short list of a handful of words/phrases that I tend to overuse that I need to look for and, if needed, cull as well as, of course, proofreading. Still, it feels pretty dang awesome! Now I need to buck up Continue reading Twice Fortnightly: A real Milestone!

Twice Fortnightly – Home, Sweet Home

So, I am back again from my vacation. I’m feeling a bit sluggish this evening so I’ll keep this brief. This week I: Wrote ~600 words during my daily writing Edited 3 chapters of Going Home. I might’ve had time for the last two as well if not for an unplanned goose chase after a bag on my last day there. Started Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Home, Sweet Home