Deck the LOLs – ThinkKit prompt #3

Today’s ThinkKit prompt was to write about something incredibly funny that happened in the last year. Well, to be honest I wasn’t able to think of any one thing that deserved this place of honor on the blog. But I could think of a person: my boyfriend. As I mentioned yesterday, my boyfriend moved in with me a few months Continue reading Deck the LOLs – ThinkKit prompt #3

Flip the Script – ThinkKit Prompt #2

Today’s ThinkKit prompt is called “Flip the Script” and encourages bloggers to talk about how they’ve change their mind, in some major or minor way, during the last year. Well, as it happens, I have recently flipped the script in quite a significant way regarding the cover of my upcoming novella Going Home. When I first started thinking about actually Continue reading Flip the Script – ThinkKit Prompt #2

Twice Forthnightly – Going Home has a blurb! Oh and I won Nano

So, this weekend I made this biiig decision regarding Going Home and got sucked into editing the book so I actually almost forgot it was still NaNoWriMo. Luckily I pulled my head out of editing long enough to finish NaNo. It’s weird, I’m super happy to be done with it and excited about the story I wrote but at the same Continue reading Twice Forthnightly – Going Home has a blurb! Oh and I won Nano

A Thousand Words – ThinkKit Prompt #1

So, here we are! December 1st, and the first day of the ThinkKit December blogging prompts. Today’s prompt is called A Thousand Words and challenges bloggers to share their year in photos, and talk about the role photos play in their lives. 2014 has been a year of ups and downs, the downs mostly involving stress around school and bad time Continue reading A Thousand Words – ThinkKit Prompt #1

Twice Forthnightly – One year older, one year wiser?

Hey, guess what? I’m 27! And I’ve got some scotch, new running gear and a copy of the awesome board game Dixit to prove it (among other things). This has contributed to the past week being a pretty good week, and my productivity level has made it an even better one. I have: Written ~1k per day for NaNo, making Continue reading Twice Forthnightly – One year older, one year wiser?

Playing with poetry: a Biopoem

So, the other day my friend Zee posted a biopoem on her blog and encouraged others to try writing one. Being up for a challenge, I decided to give it a go. A biopoem is a fun exercise, whose origins I’m unsure of, where you follow a set of instructions to write a poem about yourself. Here’s how they work (click Continue reading Playing with poetry: a Biopoem

Twice Fortnightly – Sniffles and Coughs may Break my Focus but Words…

… will just keep coming? I hope so anyway. I came down with a cold suddenly this weekend, but I still managed to write 2k both Saturday and Sunday. In fact, I found myself at the end of my NaNo story on Sunday, with ~35k as my total word count. I had suspected that might happen for the better part Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Sniffles and Coughs may Break my Focus but Words…

A Sneak Peek on Going Home – Excerpt #2

Guess what? It’s only one month until Going Home is released. I can hardly believe it! To celebrate, here is another excerpt from the novella. Enjoy! She wasn’t sure how long she had crouched there when the feeling of panic finally began to dissipate. She hoped she hadn’t missed the train. She trembled as she raised her head. Looking around she Continue reading A Sneak Peek on Going Home – Excerpt #2

Twice Fortnightly – Full Steam Ahead

You guys, I’ve had such a great NaNoWriMo-week. I’m super excited about the project I’m working on and having a lot of fun drafting it. My pace is quite a bit higher than it’s been the last few NaNos too, which is a great feeling. The project is a YA novel, the first in a series of 3 or 4 books Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Full Steam Ahead

One Year to a Writing Life – October – Memoir and Mosaic

With all the excitement of NaNoWriMo, I nearly forgot that I hadn’t posted about chapter 10, which I worked with during October, of One Year to a Writing Life. The title of the chapter was Memoir and Mosaic which I found both intriguing and off-putting. Intriguing because… well, mosaics rock. And off-putting because writing a memoir is not something I’ve ever Continue reading One Year to a Writing Life – October – Memoir and Mosaic