Goin’ Places/Show and Tell – ThinkKit Prompt #26 and #27

Two ThinkKit prompts in one day today, again. I had actually planned to post yesterday but I ended up going to a late of The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies and when I got back home I was just too sleepy to put the computer on. Yesterday’s prompt was to write about a place that stood out for you in Continue reading Goin’ Places/Show and Tell – ThinkKit Prompt #26 and #27

A Dash of Thanks – ThinkKit Prompt #25

I was planning to make this a double post,  ThinkKit prompt #24 and #25. #25 was to share a photo of a tradition from the past year. I was planning to take a photo of our Christmas Day board game session earlier today but I totally forgot, so I’ll have to stick to #24, which is to talk about what one Continue reading A Dash of Thanks – ThinkKit Prompt #25

Writing Plans for 2015 (A.k.a. ThinkKit Prompt #22)

Today’s ThinkKit prompt is a free choice (Chef’s choice, as the email said) and since I’ve been thinking lately that I should post about my plans for 2015 on the blog I thought I’d make a “two birds, one stone” thing of it. I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about plans for next year on the blogs of my fellow Continue reading Writing Plans for 2015 (A.k.a. ThinkKit Prompt #22)

Twice Fortnightly – Almost Christmas

I can’t believe it’s only two days until Christmas! Okay, three for a lot of you but in this neck of the woods, we celebrate on the 24th. I have it mostly under control: the flat is clean-ish and has been at least partially Christmassed up, the presents are wrapped all except two and I know what I’m wearing to Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Almost Christmas

Ooh! Aaah! – ThinkKit Prompt #21

Yesterday’s ThinkKit prompt was skipped because I was at a wedding and got home late, but today’s is to write about something that surprised you this year (hence the somewhat suggestive title). Well, a lot of things has surprised me this year, like most years. How much better I sleep with the window open has surprised me. How many socks one Continue reading Ooh! Aaah! – ThinkKit Prompt #21

Insert Theme Music Here – ThinkKit Prompt #19

Today’s ThinkKit prompt is to talk about what the “soundtrack of your year” has been. If I hadn’t already mentioned it I would’ve talked about Tori Amos’ Midwinter Graces (even if that’s only been the soundtrack of December for me), but since I’ve already talked about it I’ll have to pick something else. It’s sort of hard to choose. I listen Continue reading Insert Theme Music Here – ThinkKit Prompt #19

The Virtual Cookie Exchange Blog Hop!

Today’s ThinkKit prompt is replaced by this post: my entry in Linda Poitevin’s Virtual Cookie Exchange Blog Hop.!  I was tagged by Debbie Vega (thank you!) who shared a recipe for some delicious-sounding pumpkin peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. The hop is really simple: you share a cookie recipe and tag four more people to do the same the following week. The four I’ve Continue reading The Virtual Cookie Exchange Blog Hop!

Lucky Number – ThinkKit Prompt #15

Today’s ThinkKit prompt is to write about a number that’s had some sort of significance in 2014. Well, I pick the number: I like the number 27. 9×3 = 27. 3³ = 27. 9, 3 and 7 are my favorite numbers so you can see why it would appeal to me. 2 is okay, I suppose, but given the other things Continue reading Lucky Number – ThinkKit Prompt #15

Twice Fortnightly – I’m Published!

Wow, guys, what a week it’s been! On Thursday, 11/12-2014, I published Going Home, my debut novella, on Amazon Kindle. I had planned to publish it on Saturday the 13th, but since I’d heard it could take a while for books to come up on the web I thought I’d upload it early. Color me surprised when it went live Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – I’m Published!

Look Outward, Look Inward – ThinkKit Prompt #14

Today’s ThinkKit prompt is to write about something you have discovered this year. Well, to keep it short and sweet, I recently discovered Tori Amos’ Christmas album Midwinter Graces and have been listening to it daily, sometimes non-stop on repeat, ever since. I really like the vibe of it. You should totally check it out. ThinkKit is a blog project, with daily Continue reading Look Outward, Look Inward – ThinkKit Prompt #14