Going Home Media Roundup!

Even just typing that title feels totally surreal. But since Going Home has in fact been featured on a few other people’s websites lately, I thought I’d do a nice, neat media roundup for those of you who do not, in fact, watch my Twitter feed intently. This week started off fantastically, with my friend Grace posting this beautiful write-up of Going Home on Continue reading Going Home Media Roundup!

Twice Forthnightly – Nameless Progress

I actually couldn’t remember exactly what I had put on my list for this week. Or rather, I thought I could remember but since I’d done everything I thought I must be missing something. Turns out I didn’t! This week I have: Done my daily writing, including a few test scenes for some ideas I’m tossing around for Camp in Continue reading Twice Forthnightly – Nameless Progress

Twice Fortnightly – Back in the saddle!

Somehow it became Tuesday again. Whoops! I guess you lose track of the days when you’re busy. This week I have: Done my daily writing, mostly anyway. Printed the sequel to Going Home and started reading through it. Before I started I was convinced I’d scrap the first couple of chapters and start later, but now I’m not so sure. I Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Back in the saddle!

One Year to a Writing Life – General Impressions + December

It’s now been over a year since I started working with One Year to a Writing Life. With varying degrees of enthusiasm, I’ve worked through all 12 chapters so I thought it was time to summarize my general impressions of the book here.   But first, I’ll talk briefly about the last chapter, called Writing the Way Home. I had trouble getting into Continue reading One Year to a Writing Life – General Impressions + December

Reading Challenge – 15 Unreads – How did it go?

As some of you may remember, a while back I decided to give myself a reading challenge during my winter hols by reading 15 unread books from my bookshelf. Well, I’ve been back at work for two days now, so how did the challenge go? Well, it went… so-so. I had a lot of fun and really enjoyed myself reading, Continue reading Reading Challenge – 15 Unreads – How did it go?

Twice Fortnightly – Back to Work

My long, lovely winter vacation is about to come to an end. Tomorrow I print the sequel to Going Home to read through it and start planning how to restructure it, and on Wednesday I go back to work. It feels… good and bad. It’ll be nice to get back into the groove of things, but it’s also been sooo nice to Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Back to Work

Five, Seven, Five – ThinkKit Prompt #31

So it’s here, the last ThinkKit prompt of the year. I was too sleepy to write it last night after staying up to watch the fireworks and have a delicious dinner with my parents and my bf, so I’m doing it now instead. The prompt, to my delight, was to show something about your past, present and future through… haikus! If Continue reading Five, Seven, Five – ThinkKit Prompt #31

A Single Word – ThinkKit Prompt #30

Today’s ThinkKit prompt, the second to last of the year, is to try and find a word with which to sum up your year. Well, I’ve got a word for you: milestones. This year, I published my first book. My boyfriend moved here from Canada. I finally finished a course that’s been tormenting me for a couple of years. And I Continue reading A Single Word – ThinkKit Prompt #30

Twice Fortnightly – Welcome, 2015!

Okay, it’s a day early to welcome the new year, but I’m not gonna be posting this tomorrow, now am I? In fact, I should have posted this yesterday but I had this killer headache in the evening so I elected to postpone. During this, the last full week of the year, I have: Written almost every day Started working on the Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Welcome, 2015!

One Small Step – ThinkKit Prompt #28

Today’s ThinkKit prompt is to write about something you can do to support a goal you have for 2015. One of the more specific prompts of the month, I think. Now, I’m not gonna talk about my goals for 2015 since I already blogged about those a few days ago. So instead I’m gonna tell you guys that I signed up on Continue reading One Small Step – ThinkKit Prompt #28