Word Cloud of Going Home!

Hey guys, look what I made!   It’s a word cloud made with the full text of Going Home. I’m going to print and laminate it and put it up somewhere in my flat. I sort of want to do this with all my future books. I think it’s just a fun way to sort of commemorate the occasion! Just wanted to Continue reading Word Cloud of Going Home!

Twice Fortnightly – Decisions Made

This has been a very productive week on a theoretical level, and a slightly less productive week on a practical level. I’ve made some “big choices” , as it were, about my current writing projects and it feels great to put some of my questions marks behind me. The biggest of the two choices was settling on a path to Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Decisions Made

Tribe News: 2 New Releases and 1 Upcoming

One of the things that I love most about being a writer and, I think, one of the driving factors behind how far I’ve come in the past year, is the wonderful “writer tribe” I’ve found myself a part of through the magic of the interwebs. Having “colleagues” who can share advice and experience, offer encouragement and understand your struggles Continue reading Tribe News: 2 New Releases and 1 Upcoming

Twice Fortnightly – Slow Grind

As you may have noticed, it is Tuesday. Yesterday I was in such an off mood, I spent the whole day watching Orphan Black and then slumped directly into bed after an evening visit at my parents’ place. Bleh! So I’m blogging today instead. The week has been all right but slow. For some reason, I often get a really Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Slow Grind

The Liebster Award! I nominate… You!

I was recently nominated for the Liebster Award by Paola Crespo, one of my writing Tweeps! Thank you, Paola! So what’s the Liebster Award? Well, it’s more of a sort of blog hop that you pass along to up-and-coming bloggers who perhaps don’t have a lot of followers yet. The rules are as follows: 1. Thank the blogger who nominated Continue reading The Liebster Award! I nominate… You!

Twice Fortnightly – Short and Sweet!

Oh boy, I should not wait this late with blogging, my head is a total blank! So I’ll keep this short and sweet. This week I have: Done my daily writing! Wrote a few new scenes for the sequel to Going Home Posted a Spotlight post about Leonard Cohen Started working on my “master list” of ideas. Didn’t get very far, Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Short and Sweet!

Spotlight – Leonard Cohen (Live in Concert)

Note: I have for some time planned to start doing “Spotlight” posts on artists, writers, characters, genres, series and whatever else that I am particularly fond of. I wanted to start by writing about my all-time favorite musician and one of the biggest sources of poetic inspiration in my life, Leonard Cohen. But instead of writing something new, I wanted Continue reading Spotlight – Leonard Cohen (Live in Concert)

Twice Fortnightly – Eager Unfocused Beaver

It’s been a strange week, friends. Though after all the great things that happened, writing-wise, last week this one was bound to be a little bit of a let down either way. I’m in this mood where I want to work on all my writing projects at once and most days I’m vaguely irked that things like work, sleep, school and Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Eager Unfocused Beaver

Twice Forthnightly – Maybe the best week so far

Well, maybe not the best week of my life in general, but last week was certainly one of the best weeks in terms of writing, or post-writing. I got two five star reviews and was featured on 3 different blogs. Awesome. I have also: Done my daily writing… mostly. A few haikus, anyway. Make a list of potential titles for the sequel. It’s Continue reading Twice Forthnightly – Maybe the best week so far

Tool Tip – ProWritingAid (Free)

Today I’m starting a new segment here on the blog called Tool Tips, where I’ll feature different tools (books, software, apps, what have you) that I find useful as an author and think other authors (and in some cases non-authors) might find useful too. Technically I suppose you could say my posts about the writing book One Year to a Writing Life Continue reading Tool Tip – ProWritingAid (Free)