Twice Fortnightly – Happy Easter!

I hope you’ve all had a lovely Easter weekend, Christians, heathens and others alike! I’ve spent a few days in the countryside, in my parents’ summerhouse, enjoying good food, board games and good company, but only semi-decent weather. As I normally do, I slightly overestimated how much writing I’d get done while away. Or rather I underestimated how much time Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Happy Easter!

Twice Fortnightly – Calm before the Camp

Eek, it’s almost April! I’m so excited for Camp. I’ll be honest, though, there’s another story that’s occupying most of my writerly thoughts right now so I’m a bit worries about whether I’ll be able to switch gears to my Camp project. But I’ve done it before so it should be okay. So, what have I been up to. Well, Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Calm before the Camp

Spotlight – Cirkeln (the movie)

I was actually going to blog about something totally different tonight, but then I went to the cinema with a friend and her husband and saw Cirkeln, a Swedish fantasy film based on a book with the same name by Mats Strandberg and Sara Bergmark Elfgren. It is the first book in the Engelsfors trilogy, and both Cirkeln (the Circle) and it’s sequel Eld (Fire) were Continue reading Spotlight – Cirkeln (the movie)

Twice Fortnightly – Beta Time!

I did it guys, I finished my draft! I had a terrible writing week with a serious case of “end of book”-jitters, but in the weekend I finally pulled myself together and finished it. On Sunday, I sent it out to my lovely beta readers. Can’t wait to hear what they say! Other than that Did my daily writing on about Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Beta Time!

Guest Spotlight – Z.R. Southcombe on Roald Dahl: Inspiration and Imagination

Today I’m very happy to introduce the first ever guest post here on my blog, a short “spotlight” post by my good friend and fellow writer Z.R. Southcombe about one of her literary idols. Z.R. released her debut What Stars Are Made Of, a word-less storybook, in late 2014 and just yesterday her latest novel, The Caretaker of Imagination, was launched. Continue reading Guest Spotlight – Z.R. Southcombe on Roald Dahl: Inspiration and Imagination

Twice Fortnightly – Almost Drafted!

What a week! It seems spring has come to Stockholm and I’ve been enjoying the lovely weather as well as doing a lot of writing. Here’s what I’ve done: Drafted chapters 15-19 of Dress Rehearsal Rag. It’s weird, I’m not sure why I had this as my goal since the plan was to only have 20 chapters and it’s odd to leave Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Almost Drafted!

Thoughts on Starting a Business

I am a sole proprietorship! By which I mean, I have a sole proprietorship! By which I mean, as soon as my official letter from the tax agency comes in the post (next week I hope) I will have had a sole proprietorship since the end of February. And some people claim that time is linear. I’ve been wanting for Continue reading Thoughts on Starting a Business

Twice Fortnightly – Drafting Season

This morning, I was super nervous. The reason for this was that yesterday I finished re-writing chapter 13 of “the sequel”, so today I had to work on chapter 14. Chapter 14 onward consists mostly of drafting new material rather than rewriting my old draft, and for some reason this suddenly felt very scary. Like, what if I added all this Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Drafting Season

Dress Rehearsal Rag – Coming in June 2015!

That’s right, peeps, the title of my upcoming novella is Dress Rehearsal Rag. As you may know, it’s the sequel of Going Home. I’ve decided to release it in early June. I figure, even if I finish it in late May, a few days extra polishing doesn’t hurt! So what do you think of the title? On the surface, it might Continue reading Dress Rehearsal Rag – Coming in June 2015!

Twice Fortnightly – Heaps of Progress

I’ve had on of those wonderfully energetic weeks where you accomplish a lot but it doesn’t feel like you’ve done that much. Yay for those! I hope to carry on the trend into next week. The work with the sequel is going really well. I’m very happy with how it’s shaping up this time around, and it’s always nice when Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Heaps of Progress