Dress Rehearsal Rag – Excerpt #1

As promised, here’s an excerpt from Dress Rehearsal Rag: Later that night, the dining room was bustling with it’s usual activity. A bowl of potato salad, Joe’s special and very appreciated recipe, was being passed around. They were all there except for Miranda who was working late that day and was expected to return at any moment. Charlie had ridden home Continue reading Dress Rehearsal Rag – Excerpt #1

Giveaway! – Digital Copies of Going Home and Dress Rehearsal Rag

That’s right guys, it’s time for my first ever giveaway! Or actually giveaways, in plural, because there are two. Exciting! To celebrate the upcoming release of Dress Rehearsal Rag I’m giving away two digital copies of it, and two digital copies of Going Home, the book that came before it. If you aren’t familiar with Going Home yet, check out it’s Goodread’s page. Dress Rehearsal Rag Continue reading Giveaway! – Digital Copies of Going Home and Dress Rehearsal Rag

Twice Fortnightly – Feedback! Sweet, sweet feedback!

Exciting news, guys! I got notes on Dress Rehearsal Rag from the first of my beta readers the other day. And let me tell you, they rock! So helpful. I’m going to start working through them later today, and hopefully notes from the others should come in later in the week. I always feel like a headless chicken when it comes Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Feedback! Sweet, sweet feedback!

Tribe News – 2 Releases and one Upcoming + Bonus

I just wanted to do a quick post tonight to tell you about some exciting news from some of my writing buddies! Now, I’ve only read one of the books I’m about to mention but I’m planing to read a lot in the summer after my release and these will be at the top of my list. First up is Continue reading Tribe News – 2 Releases and one Upcoming + Bonus

Twice Fortnightly – Riveting Realizations

I had a lovely realization recently. It was this: in my company account I have a few hundred dollars, money I’ve earned on my freelance translations. I am perfectly allowed to use that money to reinvest in my business by spending it on things relation to my writing (since that is, after all, part of my business). It could even Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Riveting Realizations

Twice Fortnightly – More Baby Steps

It’s been a pretty good week, here. Nice weather and a lot of things checked off the to-do list. Mostly small things, but it’s progress anyway. I’ve had a strange feeling of being very busy and at the same time not really doing anything. In spite of that, this past week I have: Done my daily writing, just random bits Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – More Baby Steps

Twice Fortnightly – I survived Camp! So… Now what?

That’s right, I survived Camp NaNo once again! I even won, reaching my word goal of 50k, which feels pretty dang awesome. Writing this story was a bit of a wild ride; it sprawled all over the place like a well-fed weed. It also decided that it wants to be a graphic novel when it grows up, which is a Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – I survived Camp! So… Now what?

Twice Fortnightly – Halfway There!

Hey, another week, another blog post! And I made it to 25k for CampNaNoWriMo. Yay! As you can see below, it’s been upward and onward all week! Feels pretty awesome. I’ve been regularly writing 2k or so daily for the last while, and really enjoying this story. Today’s been a bit of an off day with only 700 words so Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Halfway There!

Book Mail! Z.R. Southcombe

  I just had to show you guys this awesome bit of book mail I got yesterday! Two books and a bit of swag by my friend and fellow writer Z. R. Southcombe. I got super duper lucky and won not one but two of the giveaways she hosted when her latest book, The Caretaker of Imagination, was released. I won the book Continue reading Book Mail! Z.R. Southcombe

Twice Fortnightly – No P-o-D, but lots of creative energy!

That’s right, folks, I still haven’t looked into the Print-on-Demand thing. I should probably stop saying I will, and just let ya’ll be pleasantly surprised when I actually do it. So, what have I done this week? Well, this: Not a very productive week, as you can see. I had this freelance project I was working on, which was a lot more Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – No P-o-D, but lots of creative energy!