Flash Fiction Friday – The Ghosts

As you may have noticed, I skipped my Worldbuilding Wednesday this week. I just hadn’t made enough progress with my map this week for it to be worth a post. But never fear, Flash Fiction Friday is here! With a card from Dixit, once again. And once again, credit for the image goes to the Dixit people! Here’s this week’s Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Ghosts

Twice Fortnightly – After Camp

I told you already last week, though the month wasn’t over yet, that I won Camp. My total word count came to just shy of 20k, so I was quite happy with that. As I’ve also mentioned I was working on some erotic shorts that I’ll be publishing under a pen name. I should be announcing the name and my Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – After Camp

Flash Fiction – The Wolf

I’m doing another prompt from Seventh Sanctum today, and it’s: she could tell he was howling. She could tell he was howling. She could always tell when he was howling, ever since that first time she visited the wolf sanctuary and the guide let her come into ten enclosure of the pack he’d raised himself since they were just orphaned Continue reading Flash Fiction – The Wolf

Worldbuilding Wednesday – Continents taking shape

Hey, it’s Worldbuilding Wednesday again! How time has flown this week. My world building progress this past week has been of the “slow but steady” variety. I’ve read up on map projections, spent a lot of time looking at maps of Earth and fictional worlds and sketching various continental setups for Erziyye since I realized I wasn’t totally happy with my first Continue reading Worldbuilding Wednesday – Continents taking shape

Twice Fortnightly – Winner!!

Yesterday, I won Camp NaNo! My goal was only 15k, but even so I’m happy about it. I’ve finished one short, nearly finished a second and have maybe 25% of a third. If I can keep up a decent pace (having already won is surprisingly demotivating), I am hoping I’ll hit 20k and have two finished and one half-finished shorts Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Winner!!

Flash Fiction Friday – The Dollhouse

Hi guys! It’s Flash Fiction Friday! I’ve had the most frustrating day, so I’m gonna get right down to business. Here is today’s Dixit card: Credit, as usual, to the Dixit people and their illustrators for the image. Also, isn’t it adorable? The Dollhouse Mimi always knew her dolls weren’t just dolls. She never saw them move, but she always Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Dollhouse

Welcome to Worldbuilding Wednesday

As I’ve mentioned in my Monday updates lately, I’m currently working on a big worldbuilding project. Since I thought it might be fun to share my work, and since I have an undying and probably unhealthy love for alliteration, I am hereby introducing Worldbuilding Wednesday, during which I’ll post about my progress, the problems I run into and how I Continue reading Welcome to Worldbuilding Wednesday

Twice Fortnightly – New-ish Projects

I hope you’ve all had a good week! I’ve had a okay week myself. This week I’m back to my original routine of worldbuilding, studying and writing as opposed to worldbuilding, writing and worldbuilding. To be honest, the double worldbuilding sessions didn’t make too much of a difference, I wasted most of them overthinking things and not working. Hopefully this Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – New-ish Projects

Flash Fiction Friday – the Letter

Let’s pretend that it’s Friday today and I didn’t totally forget the flash fiction prompt yesterday. I am out and about right now so instead of doing a Dixit card prompt, I used a website called Seventh Sanctum. The prompt was this: I have my tomes – now I’m going into hiding. The letter Dear Francine, This may be the Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – the Letter

Twice Fortnightly – Worldbuilding Week!

Last night I handed in a long overdue assignment. It didn’t turn out very well, but I’m holding out hope that it turned out well enough and that I won’t have to re-do it. Next week I’m moving on to the next module on my to-study list, but this week I’m giving myself a bit of a break from Uni. Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Worldbuilding Week!