Twice Fortnightly – So many ideas!

As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been brainstorming a bit about the future of the Orryn series lately and I have to tell you… at this point I am virtually swimming in ideas. It seems I can barely turn around without coming up with some new aspect I want to explore, a new theme or incident, a new perspective or reaction from one Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – So many ideas!

Flash Fiction Friday – Martyr-making

Look at me, actually remembering that it’s Friday before I’ve fallen asleep! Tonight, I don’t feel like using my beloved Dixit deck for a writing prompt, so instead I used Seventh Sanctum’s What-If-Inator and got the following prompt: What if Joan of Arc had access to CGI? And this is what I wrote: Jeanne smiled as she watched the writhing image Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Martyr-making

Twice Fortnightly – Re-re-re-restructuring my time

I realized today I have made a fatal error in my time management lately. My original plan was: three days for day job, two for studying and working on my thesis, one for writing and one day off (with, of course, the option of poking any of those things a bit extra on the other days once goals had been Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Re-re-re-restructuring my time

Tool Tips – Memrise

I’m not doing much Worldbuilding right now, so I don’t have a Worldbuilding Wednesday for you today, but I wanted to post something. Since I’ve been volunteering today, and got to practice my Arabic a lot, I thought this language-related post (which I wrote a while back) would be appropriate. Ever heard of Memrise? Well, you have now! Memrise is a learning Continue reading Tool Tips – Memrise

Twice Fortnightly – Blurbstorming!

Do you ever have those nights when you’re just gonna watch one episode of a show and it turns out to be a double-length episode and then suddenly it’s nearly 1 a.m. and your WordPress app keeps crashing and your boyfriend’s killing orcs or something on the computer so you put off blogging until the next day? No? Well, that’s Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Blurbstorming!

Twice Fortnightly – Coming out of a Slump

As you may have noticed, it’s been a bit quiet around here lately. I’ve been adjusting to getting back to work, and to gradually shifting more time and focus over to my studies. I also spent a few weeks with a completely shattered screen on my iPhone, which wouldn’t have been so bad if it was just the phone part I was Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Coming out of a Slump

Flash Fiction Friday – Waiting

This blog isn’t dead, wooh! I’ve been both horribly disorganized and sort of unmotivated for a few weeks. Earlier this week I finally got my phone working again (thank you, Kunal!), and by that I also got my productivity/planning apps left and boy have I missed them. I suddenly feel like I know what’s going on again! I can plan Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Waiting

Twice Fortnightly – Lil’ Milestones

This has been an exciting week, lingering colds not withstanding. I hit a small, but significant, author milestone (see the last bullet point on my list of achievements this week). I also did some actual student stuff for the first time in a while. Specifically, I sent in a project description for my BA thesis. Mostly a formality since I Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Lil’ Milestones

Flash Fiction Friday – Games

It’s been a while since I did Flash Fiction Friday! Feels good to be back to it. No Dixit card tonight, instead I bring you a random scene. It was inspired by a dream I had the other night, just a short scene that gave me an idea for a detail to add to a culture in my worldbuilding. Here, Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Games

Worldbuilding Wednesday – Step-by-Step for Ocean Currents

Since my step-by-step of tectonic plates was pretty well received (and fun to do!), I wanted to do another one on ocean currents. I had intended to do it pretty soon after the first one but have been derailed about a billion times. Well, here it finally is! And like last time I have a little disclaimer: this guide is meant Continue reading Worldbuilding Wednesday – Step-by-Step for Ocean Currents