Twice Forthnightly – Non-worldbuilding Wednesday

Monday-Tuesday this week, I was at a conference. So naturally I spent Monday evening thinking “I’ll do my blog tomorrow morning, I’m too tired now” and Tuesday morning I completely forgot. Anyhowsers, so my news from last week is: yay, I managed Camp! About 11k in the end, go me! I even managed to do my taxes (one day before Continue reading Twice Forthnightly – Non-worldbuilding Wednesday

Twice Fortnightly – Oh right, Camp!

Yeah, that’s what this month has felt like a bit so far. It’s weird, because I know I can write large quantities in fairly limited time. Heck, I made 75k last NaNo! But this time… man. 10k as a goal and I’m still struggling. To be honest, I think I’m partially struggling because my goal is so low. A few hundred Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Oh right, Camp!

Flash Fiction Friday – Here, have some prompts!

Oh wow, it’s Friday… And it’s late. I’ve been to dinner at my parents’ house, and then I’ve been working on a birthday present for my bestie’s little girl, whose 2nd birthday party we’re going to tomorrow. It’s now 12:30 and my brain’s a bit too mushy for flash fiction I’m afraid. So instead of my usualy type of post, I’m Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Here, have some prompts!

Twice Fortnightly – Getting my roll/role on!

Exciting news, guys! On Friday I’m playing in my first ever proper tabletop rpg! Wooh! I’ve played two one-offs before with throwaway characters but other than that I’m a newb. I’m playing with some total strangers over Skype and Roll20 so I’m a bit nervous but also very excited. Wish me luck! This week I have: Kept poking at Camp. I’m Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Getting my roll/role on!

Flash Fiction Friday – Ren and Tiktik (Numenera Character Backstory)

I have recently decided to get into tabletop RPGs, and in a week I’ll be playing my first session with a group, playing in a system called Numenera (which seems super cool). I’ve been working on my character today, so I thought I’d write a small piece of backstory for her about how she met her animal companion. Here it Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Ren and Tiktik (Numenera Character Backstory)

Twice Fortnightly – Gone Camping! Sorta…

Ok, short post today! This week I have: Started Camp NaNo. I’ve had a very slow start, just a few hundred words so far. It’s hard to feel motivated when I could easily reach my goal in about 3 days if I really made an effort. Still, gotta speed up a bit so I don’t have to do that. Posted some Flash Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Gone Camping! Sorta…

Flash Fiction Friday – The Immortal

Hey guys! It’s time for Flash Fiction Friday! I was watching the first half of Return of the King today with my parents, and tonight’s flash fiction piece, rather than being a Dixit prompt or from some prompt generator, is inspired by the character Arwen and the idea of an immortal sire to mortal progeny. Here it is: The girl had Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Immortal

Twice Fortnightly – Talk to Me, Baby!

I’ve just returned from a rather lovely weekend at my parents’ summer house, where we celebrated Easter. I spent most of my time eating, napping, reading and watching people roleplay on YouTube. All in all, not bad! Hope you’ve had a lovely Easter too, celebrating or not. I discovered something cool this week, namely that dictation apps (voice-to-text) are really Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Talk to Me, Baby!

Twice Fortnightly – Happy Easter!

It’s Easter week! Hope ya’ll are doing good. I’m having a chill week this week, since apart from a brief thing on Wednesday I’m on vacation from work. I’m trying to focus on my thesis to feel like I’m getting some proper progress on that. It’s going pretty well, so far. We’ll see. Writing wise, since my last Twice Fortnightly Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Happy Easter!

Flash Fiction Friday – Changes

I’m totally not gonna comment on how dead my blog’s been lately. Nope. Not gonna do it. Here’s today’s Dixit card that I’m using for a flash fiction prompt: And here’s what I came up with: The scissor was heavy in her hand. She ran a fingertip along the blade, felt the bite of it’s sharpness. There’d be no going Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Changes