Flash Fiction Friday – The Baronessa

Oh hey, Flash Fiction Friday is back. (Shut up, it’s still Friday until I go to bed, whatever the clock says! :P). Tonight I’m posting a short peice about a NPC from my D&D homebrew campaign setting, who I’ve rather fallen for: The Baronessa The baronessa finished reading the letter. Running her fingers over her youngest daughter’s brisk script, she Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Baronessa

Twice Fortnightly – Post-Christmas Productivity

Hello lovelies. It’s been a few weeks since I did a Twice Fortnightly. I blogged so much earlier in the month it didn’t feel worth it. In case you didn’t know, I did an advent calendar blog series called #AdventBoost. Check that out if you haven’t. The week leading up to Christmas and the Christmas weekend was pretty intense for Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Post-Christmas Productivity

#AdventBoost Day 24 – Throne of the Crescent Moon by Saladin Ahmed

And so it is Christmas, everyone! Here in Sweden, we celebrate on Christmas Eve, which means I have spent today eating, drinking and being utterly spoiled by my family who have put me a good bit closer to my budgetary goals for going to New Zealand next year. In the inevitable post-Christmas-lunch lull when everyone (but me, who is always already Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 24 – Throne of the Crescent Moon by Saladin Ahmed

#AdventBoost Day 23 – Silvana Imam

Holy shit, it’s the day before Xmas. Today I’m continuing my brief Swedish streak by adventboosting lesbian half-Lithuanian, half-Syrian Swedish rapper Silvana Imam. Now I’ll be honest: I hesitated about including her in AdventBoost because she’s a fucking superstar who doesn’t need signal boosting from small-time bloggers like me. Even so, I figure that a lot of the non-Swedes who Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 23 – Silvana Imam

#AdventBoost Day 22 – Antonius M. Hogebrandt

Today I’m adventboosting a fellow Swede! I’ll be honest: I don’t know/follow a ton of Swedish creatives. I don’t know why that is, probably mostly a consequence of how dominant the Anglosphere tends to be on the social media sites I use. But that’s a topic for another day, perhaps.. Today I’m boosting Antonius M. Hogebrandt, a speculative fiction writer Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 22 – Antonius M. Hogebrandt

#AdventBoost Day 21 – Nadja Otikor aka Tristarae

I have tabletop rpgs on the brain right now. I recently GMed D&D for the first time, am preparing to do it for the second time in a couple of weeks and casually dreaming of setting up a streamed game of some kind in the spring, if I can. I’m actually having some trouble focusing on my written fiction because Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 21 – Nadja Otikor aka Tristarae

#AdventBoost Day 20 – Witchy by Ariel Ries

More #AdventBoost! More webcomics! More posting when it’s late and I can barely make sentences! Today you should all check out Witchy by Ariel Ries. Witchy is a comic about witches! Yay! Can’t have enough of those! It takes place in a world where the length of a person’s hair is considered a measure of their magical prowess. The worldbuilding Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 20 – Witchy by Ariel Ries

#AdventBoost Day 19 – Griefer Belt by Kali/Kales

Hey guys! I almost forgot to #Adventboost today because I seem to have completely switched into vacation mode. But I remembered! Yay! Today I wanna tell you about Griefer Belt, a webcomic that I found a while back via a link on another webcomic, Rock and Riot (which I posted about earlier in the month). It’s about queer criminals! Illegal organ-trade! Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 19 – Griefer Belt by Kali/Kales

#AdventBoost Day 18 – Compersion by Enchant TV

I’ve got something a bit different for you today: a web series! A polyamory-themed web series, at that! Compersion by Enchant TV is a web series about a monogamous couple that decide to open their marriage and try polyamory. You can watch it on YouTube over here. There’s one season of 13 episodes out so far, and they’re about 10-15 Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 18 – Compersion by Enchant TV

#Adventboost Day 17 – Kayla Whaley

Today’s adventboost isn’t about any particular product, but rather a person. Kayla Whaley is a queer, disabled essayist and co-editor of Disability in Kidlit, a website which, unsurprisingly, is focused on disability in children’s literature. I first started following Kayla on Twitter a while back after someone re-tweeted a thread (can’t remember which one) of hers into my feed. Since Continue reading #Adventboost Day 17 – Kayla Whaley