Flash Fiction Friday – Språkförbistring

The title of today’s flash fiction post, Språkförbistring, is a Swedish word I haven’t really found an English translation I like for. It refers to the idea of communication failing due to speaking past each other or just not understanding the language being used. It’s apparently used in the Swedish Bible to refer to the whole Tower of Babel thing, but Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Språkförbistring

Flash Fiction Friday – A Change of Seasons

It feels like I haven’t written flash fiction, or anything really, in ages. But I’m finally over this cold I’ve had enough that I could sit down and finish the flash fic piece I started last week – and I am very happy about it! This snippet is me dipping my toes into a new idea of mine – a Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – A Change of Seasons

Flash Fiction Friday – The First Willow

I asked for a flash fiction prompt on Twitter today and my friend Sophia was kind enough to provide one. The prompt was to write a creation story including a willow tree, an ocean and shooting stars. Here’s my attempt: Long before the world was as it is now, there was only ocean and the sky above it. There was Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The First Willow

Flash Fiction Friday – Friends and Enemies

I sort of forgot it was Friday today and was about ready to go to bed when I remembered. Since I’ve been slacking with my flash fiction lately due to Camp NaNoWriMo, I decided to stay up and whip something up. This little scene from the back-story of Sarge, my Blades in the Darks character, came to mind. Hope you Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Friends and Enemies

Flash Fiction Friday – Breaking Camp

I’ve had orcs on the brain lately. I’ve been seeing so many lovely interpretations of them on Pinterest the last few weeks that I’ve started toying with the idea of writing a book set in an orcish society. To toy a little with the concept, I wrote the following: Breaking Camp “Track-makers!” Chieftain’s voice rang out over the encampment. “We Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Breaking Camp

Flash Fiction Friday – Ferrets and Fucked-Up Shoulders

I’ve posted a few snippets set in the tabletop rpg Blades in the Dark before, and since I’m currently playing in a campaign set in the system I thought it would be fun to write a snippet with my character! Isabel, more known as Sarge, is an ex-military grump who isn’t sure why she’s involved in so much weird shit Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Ferrets and Fucked-Up Shoulders

Flash Fiction Friday – The Water Ballet

My Dungeons & Dragons group are about to start a new campaign soon, which will be set in the world of one of my favorite tabletop rpg shows Critical Role. I’ll be playing a halfling druid, who I suspect will be quite adorable. We did a short session zero type thing, and I wrote this little scene taking place just Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Water Ballet

Flash Fiction Friday – The Rescue Mission

On Monday the boyfriend and I went to see Avengers: Infinity War in the cinema. While I did not generally like the movie, there were a few things in it I did like and one of those was the special effects for Dr. Strange’s portal powers. I don’t know what it was, but they just tickled me! So I had an idea Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Rescue Mission

Flash Fiction Friday – A Thorny Twist

This past Wednesday, on Sweden’s national day, I was at a market and I saw this older woman who just had the most amazing look. She looked like a steampunk witch and I wanted to compliment her outfit but I was honestly too intimidated. I found myself thinking, though, “gosh, I’d like to write a detective story about her”. The Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – A Thorny Twist

Flash Fiction Friday – Priorities

I forgot to post this yesterday as I was out at a barbecue and came home quite late, but here is this week’s flash fiction Friday post. I start it during Sunday Morning Tea Time last week (oh hey, check out my Twitch channel!) and finished it the other day. It’s based on a prompt from the Story Generator on Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Priorities