Flash Fiction Friday – Waiting To Board

Technically it’s Saturday here but I go by my usual rule of “it’s Friday until I go to sleep” so here’s a Flash Fiction Friday snippet. It’s a tiny meet-cute! Waiting To Board His thumb hovered over the screen, ready to tap the moment the next, and final, question of the night. It wasn’t often he made it all the Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Waiting To Board

Flash Fiction Friday – The Perfect Cabin

Just a wee thing for you tonight… The Perfect Cabin I walk down the path, peering past the trees as I go. I search for dark brown logs, doors and window-frames painted blue, like the description said. There are so many cabins here, huddled among the pines. Small, simple ones without a lick of paint, candy-colored fairytale ones covered in Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Perfect Cabin

Flash Fiction Friday – New Shiny

Going a bit meta with today’s piece. I saw a prompt to write something set and a train and this was just what came to mind when I started typing. New Shiny Her favorite part was when the train pulled out of the station. It always was – that feeling of the acceleration in her gut, the slight vibration, the Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – New Shiny

Flash Fiction Friday – Perfect

I’ve been browsing a lot of gender feels-themed Pinterest boards lately and this scene popped into my head. I couldn’t pick which pronouns to use for the character, so I just didn’t use any at all. It was interesting exercise, though I feel like it made the prose a bit convoluted in places but hey – it’s just flash fiction, Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Perfect

Flash Fiction Friday – Disappointment

I’m back! About bloody time, too. Here’s a dollop of melancholia for you this Friday evening: Disappointment The waves lap leisurely at the shore and my toes dig into the sand a little with each step. I know the footprints will last only a few moments under the onslaught of the water, but my eyes are trained in front, not Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Disappointment

Flash Fiction Friday – Serving Tea

Flash! Fiction! Friday! It’s been a while, huh? This little piece is a sort of behind-the-scenes snippet from a story I started working on last year. It was originally meant to be a short story but it sorta grew into a novella. Oops! Writing this snippet really made me wanna work on that story again! Hope you enjoy it. The Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Serving Tea

Flash Fiction Friday – Pink Converse

What?? A Flash Fiction Friday post? At long last! November and the first half of December were intense, and now things are pivoting toward chill again so I finally had time and the right headspace to do some flash fiction again. I used a prompt from a Discord bot called Writer-Bot (which I recommend, by the way) which went as Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Pink Converse

Flash Fiction Friday – Practical Uses for Superpowers (#3)

This Flash Fiction piece isn’t at all wish fulfillment for the hectic evening I’m having. Nope. Not at all. Jennie yawned and adjusted the popcorn bowl in her lap as the next episode began playing on the screen. Gosh, going splitsies always made her feel so drained. Today was no different. Still, she felt sure she’d made the right choice. Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Practical Uses for Superpowers (#3)

Practical Uses for Superpowers (#2)

I am so sleepy tonight. Here is a thing: “Come on, come on….” She mumbled as she watched the numbers on the elevator slowly creep lower. Once it finally dinged and the door slid open, she was inside in a heartbeat and pressing close-door button. The ride up to the 7th floor was the slowest ever, and on every floor Continue reading Practical Uses for Superpowers (#2)

Flash Fiction Friday – Practical Uses of Superpowers (#1?)

This piece is pracically autobiographical – apart from the fact that I don’t have telekinetic powers, and that my name isn’t Mandy. But if I did have telekinetic powers, this is exactly the sort of thing I’d use them for. I think it might be fun to do a while series about ways in which superpowers might be used for more Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Practical Uses of Superpowers (#1?)