Flash Fiction Friday – Pocket Watches and Cocoa

Tonight I played a board game that’s all about when things (inventions, historical events etc) happened in relation to other things. While playing, I was surprised to find out that apparently portable watches a thing before cocoa first came to Europe. I was so surprised – I would’ve guessed it was the other way around. So I wrote this little Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Pocket Watches and Cocoa

Flash Fiction Friday – Re-burial

I didn’t have anything particular in mind for tonight’s flash fic piece, so I used a random prompt generator. This is the prompt it gave me: “I stand by the graveside. We are burying Uncle Eric. Again.” I just sort of ran with it. Enjoy! Re-burial I stand by the graveside. We are burying Uncle Eric. Again. Ever since the Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Re-burial

Flash Fiction Friday – Composition

Today, on my Friday indie game stream, I played a lovely little puzzle game called Engare. It was really fun, and very beautiful. Like, just look at this level selection screen: Pretty, isn’t it? I really enjoyed the game, and it caused patterns to be on my mind, so they’re sort of the theme of this weeks rather lengthy Flash Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Composition

Flash Fiction Friday – The First Stitch

I’m doing some worldbuilding for a story of mine on stream on Sunday, and thinking about it made me write this little “off screen” scene from that story. Enjoy! The First Stitch  “Well…” he said, turning the belt over in his hand to expect the other side once more. “At least it is well-made.” “Did you expect anything less, my Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The First Stitch

Flash Fiction Friday – Rise Up, Save the World

Today I did something really fun! Recently I’ve introduced a regular feature on my Twitch called “Thank Gods it’s Indie”, where I play small indie games on Fridays. Today, I played a game called Rise Up, Save the World on my stream. This game is made by a writing friend of mine called Mayara Barros and her friend Igor Batista, Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Rise Up, Save the World

Flash Fiction Friday – Wishful Thinking

Here’s a bit of wishful thinking in the form of prose. The first little bit is autobiographical except for the names. Art imitating life and all, hah! Hope you enjoy this silliness. Wishful Thinking “Downloading… 23 %” Mina fidgeted with her phone, watching the numbers slowly tick upward. Way more slowly than they should be. She should’ve installed the game Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Wishful Thinking

Flash Fiction Friday – The Matchmaker

I saw this anecdote (maybe true, maybe not, no idea) somewhere on the net today about a farmer who caught his wife with one of his farmhands, and when the farmhand started to pack his stuff the farmer said they could both love her and if that wasn’t enough he’d hire another farmhand to help out. I thought that was Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Matchmaker

Flash Fiction Friday – Eventually

Today’s flash fic is inspired by the cashier at the board game store checking that I knew I had the kid’s version of a game. When I don’t know what to write, I seem to gravitate toward meet-cutes lately. Eventually Angie sighed and shoved the box back into her bag. What a silly thing to do! She’d just seen the Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Eventually

Flash Fiction Friday – Magpie Clones

 Have you ever had one of those dreams where things seem rather normal but then suddenly there’s one detail that just doesn’t make sense, a little thing that makes you go “this isn’t really happening, is it?”. Last night I dreamed we had a dog. Great dream, great dog. Except after a while dream-me remarked to dream-spouse “huh, that’s odd. Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Magpie Clones

Flash Fiction Friday – Re: re: Just an October hello

A lot of different media I’m consuming are touching on reincarnation and otherwise getting a new body right now, so here’s a little thing that popped into my brain.I really enjoy writing in this sort of style sometimes, letters or journal entries or that sort of thing. Hope you like it! Re: re: Just an October hello Dear Tuko, It Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Re: re: Just an October hello