Flash Fiction Friday – Going Up

I wasn’t sure what to write tonight, so I asked the bot in my Discord server for a prompt and got the following: “As the elevator door is about to close, you lock eyes with someone on the other side – someone from the past.” Somehow this resulted in a weirdly introspective piece, looking back and forward at the same Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Going Up

Flash Fiction Fraturday – What Love Means

I’ve been watching a lot of Star Trek: The Next Generation lately and having a lot of feelings about how Deanna Troi is treated as a character and the weird romantic-adjacent situations she keeps being placed in by the show’s writers (and how little screen time her friendship with Beverly Crusher gets). So I decided to write some fanfic. I’m Continue reading Flash Fiction Fraturday – What Love Means

Flash Fiction Friday – When?

Tonight’s flash fiction is based on what might be the worst night of my life. In real life, though, the “the texts were from him all along!”-twist was only a dream, and my friend came back the next morning, all smiles. Hope you enjoy this darker reality: When? I knew all along that it was a bad idea. Zoe off Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – When?

Flash Fiction Friday – Dreams and Rebels

Oh hey, it’s a flash fiction Friday post! It’s been a while, or at least it feels like it. This piece is inspired by my partner sleep-talking, and me being in a mood for the (perhaps) unexpected. Hope you enjoy! Dreams and Rebels “How’sa rebellion?” Jac and I shot each other a look over Cal’s snoozing, sleep-talking form. He mumbled Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Dreams and Rebels

Flash Fiction Friday – Skoskav

A little lesbian meet-cute for you this Friday! Inspired by my own feet today, though I sadly did not get a meet-cute. The title is a Swedish word meaning “shoe chafing”. Enjoy! Skoskav “Must be a good book.” Liliana started and looked up. One of the baristas was peering curiously at her, a bucket of dirty dishes on her hip.  Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Skoskav

Flash Fiction Friday – The Chosen One

I’m reading a YA fantasy series right now and it has me thinking about Chosen Ones. Not my favorite trope all told, though not my least favorite either. Recently it occurred to me how rarely the Chosen One in a book knows they’re special, how usually they dismiss the strange things that happen to them and someone else has to Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Chosen One

Flash Fiction Fraturday – Aquamarine

I wasn’t going to catch up on Flash Fiction Friday after I missed it yesterday, but then I had a tiny, very silly idea. Here you go: Aquamarine Steph awoke, and for a moment she wasn’t sure why she felt so amused. As the dream came back to her, she chuckled softly and rubbed her face. Ridiculous… She reached for Continue reading Flash Fiction Fraturday – Aquamarine

Flash Fiction Friday – Report on the Demise of the Smelters

As I mentioned in my newest Worldbuilding Wednesday post (they’re back, yay), I’m currently doing a worldbuilding challenge arranged by World Anvil. For Thursday’s entry (though I didn’t write it until today), I wrote a small article called False Children, about a sort of monster in one of my worlds. Afterward the piece below popped into my head, so I Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Report on the Demise of the Smelters

Flash Fiction Friday – The Tiniest Friend

It’s Friiiiday! Look at me actually posting flash fiction! I was doing some window shopping on Etsy earlier today and found this shop full of adorable little fantasy figurines! So cute! They sort of combined with the Tea Dragon Society in my head and created this little piece. Hope you like it! The Tiniest Friend Ellie smiled as she walked Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Tiniest Friend

Flash Fiction Friday – The Portal

About time I got back to these posts! This one is inspired by a perpetually out of order stall in a bathroom at a nearby mall. I gotta admit, now that I’ve written this I kinda wanna turn it into a longer story… Hope you like it! The Portal “What the fuck??”Tina blinked slowly at the absurd sight that stretched Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Portal