#AdventBoost Day 20 – Witchy by Ariel Ries

More #AdventBoost! More webcomics! More posting when it’s late and I can barely make sentences! Today you should all check out Witchy by Ariel Ries. Witchy is a comic about witches! Yay! Can’t have enough of those! It takes place in a world where the length of a person’s hair is considered a measure of their magical prowess. The worldbuilding Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 20 – Witchy by Ariel Ries

#AdventBoost Day 19 – Griefer Belt by Kali/Kales

Hey guys! I almost forgot to #Adventboost today because I seem to have completely switched into vacation mode. But I remembered! Yay! Today I wanna tell you about Griefer Belt, a webcomic that I found a while back via a link on another webcomic, Rock and Riot (which I posted about earlier in the month). It’s about queer criminals! Illegal organ-trade! Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 19 – Griefer Belt by Kali/Kales

#AdventBoost Day 18 – Compersion by Enchant TV

I’ve got something a bit different for you today: a web series! A polyamory-themed web series, at that! Compersion by Enchant TV is a web series about a monogamous couple that decide to open their marriage and try polyamory. You can watch it on YouTube over here. There’s one season of 13 episodes out so far, and they’re about 10-15 Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 18 – Compersion by Enchant TV

#Adventboost Day 17 – Kayla Whaley

Today’s adventboost isn’t about any particular product, but rather a person. Kayla Whaley is a queer, disabled essayist and co-editor of Disability in Kidlit, a website which, unsurprisingly, is focused on disability in children’s literature. I first started following Kayla on Twitter a while back after someone re-tweeted a thread (can’t remember which one) of hers into my feed. Since Continue reading #Adventboost Day 17 – Kayla Whaley

#AdventBoost Day 16 – M.F.K. by Nilah Magruder

Tonight I am a happy camper. Except for some emails and small things I can do from home, I am now off work for the next few weeks. It’s going to be lovely! I plan to do a ton of reading and writing. Tonight I bring you another webcomic boost: M.F.K. by Nilah Magruder! M.F.K. is a super cool comic Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 16 – M.F.K. by Nilah Magruder

#AdventBoost Day 15 – Kylie Wu of Trans Girl Next Door

Short post today, lovelies, because my bed and a early work meeting beckons. Let’s do it! I discovered Trans Girl Next Door quite a while ago (might even have been a year or two, I can’t recall) and somehow misplaced the link (or possibly forgot to add it to my RSS app even though I meant to). Recently, I happened across Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 15 – Kylie Wu of Trans Girl Next Door

#AdventBoost Day 14 – A. C. Buchanan

Today I want to turn your attention to A. C. Buchanan, who I’ve already mention in my first post as the editor of literary magazine Capricious. Apart from being an editor, A. C. is also an excellent spec-fic writer! I first met them a few years ago when I was randomly assigned to a Camp NaNoWriMo cabin that happened to Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 14 – A. C. Buchanan

#AdventBoost Day 13 – Kristine Wyllys

Today’s advent boost directs your attention toward Kristine Wyllys, WOC author and feminist. I believe she is cherokee but my google-skillz are failing me tonight so I will leave it at believe because I don’t want to mischaracterize anyone. I started following her on Twitter a while back, having found her account through some retweet or other. She tweets on a range of Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 13 – Kristine Wyllys

#AdventBoost Day 12 – Frank Waln

Today I want to tell y’all about Sicangu Lakota rapper Frank Waln. He has won three Native American Music Awards, several other awards and written on indigineity and decolonization for a number of publications. I’ll be honest; I feel a bit silly “boosting” someone so accomplished on my tiny little blog, but at the same time I know even accomplished Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 12 – Frank Waln

#AdventBoost Day 10 and 11 – 2-in-1 of Book Reviewers!

Yeah, another 2-in-1 post. Yesterday I was dungeon master for a game of D&D for the first time. It was an absolute blast but I was so exhausted afterward I literally couldn’t form coherent sentences. So a double post today it is! Today I want to tell you about two very cool book blogs. I know reviewers aren’t commonly counted Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 10 and 11 – 2-in-1 of Book Reviewers!