Twice Fortnightly – Post Untitled

Yeah, no, no titles coming to me tonight. I’ve written like 5 blog posts today for the Blog Ahead challenge, that might be why. Just gonna get straight to it. This week I have:

  • Finished working on Erziyye’s currents! Yay! Will be posting about them on Wednesday.
  • Done a good bit of NaNo prep in terms of worldbuilding (not quite done), outlining (off to a good start) and research.
  • Written 5 Blog Ahead posts. My goal was 7 but oh well.
  • Written a review for Hubpages. It’s still undergoing review so I can’t link to it yet, though.
  • Posted Flash Fiction Friday and Worldbuilding Wednesday posts (the latter was actually about my NaNo world instead of Erziyye.
  • Ordered some Going Home and Dress Rehearsal Rag bookmarks. I am super happy with the design, can’t wait to show them to you guys when they’re all printed!

I didn’t get around to updated the eBook version of Going Home because it’s oh so boring, so that’s one of the things I need to do this week:

  • Settle on the last big things I need to settle on for NaNo (lol, vague).
  • Start on NaNo on Sunday (well, Saturday after midnight). Can’t wait!
  • Post my Flash Fiction Friday and Worldbuilding Wednesday posts.
  • Write 5 more Blog Ahead posts, giving me a total of 15 for the month instead of the desired 31.
  • Read through an old half-draft of mine, to refresh my memory about where I was going with the project.

In fact, I think I’m going to do that last one right now! Good night, ya’ll! Just one last thing: it’s been a good, productive week.


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