Twice Fortnightly – Spotty Progress

It’s been a weird first week of Camp NaNoWriMo. I’ve had two good days, two awful days and one okay day (hopefully a late night writing spurt will make it two okay days so far). I’m still well on track for my goal of 15k (I raised it from 10k a couple of days in), but I’m having some trouble focusing. My worldbuilding project is calling to me. That’s going pretty well. Today I moved from research to production, even though all I did was start compiling a long list of everything I need to establish.

When I first started my summer routine, I had said that the morning block would be part worldbuilding and part Scrivener/story-idea organization. That hasn’t worked out. The worldbuilding is so much fun I just get sucked in and don’t do any organizing. So I’ve decided to move the organizing to my writing block in the afternoons. I haven’t been using that fully anyway, so I’ll be allowed to use max half of it (one hour) for organizing on the days I want. I can easily do my daily requirement for Camp in one hour so it won’t conflict with that. I think this’ll be a more useful system.

Last week I also posting another piece of flash fiction: The Sword. And, even more exciting, an interview with me was posting on the blog of a writer called Terry W. Ervin II. You can read it here. Cool huh?

This coming week I’ll keep going with my routine, with the alteration mentioned above. I hold a vague hope that I’ll finish my current uni assignment this week, at least if I work on it in the weekend too. We’ll see… ’til the next post, take care!

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