Twice Fortnightly – Back in the saddle!

Somehow it became Tuesday again. Whoops! I guess you lose track of the days when you’re busy. This week I have:

  • Done my daily writing, mostly anyway.
  • Printed the sequel to Going Home and started reading through it. Before I started I was convinced I’d scrap the first couple of chapters and start later, but now I’m not so sure. I might just keep the beginning where it is.
  • Updated the page on the blog for Going Home, with links to a wider range of webstores.
  • Posted about One Year to a Writing Life, what I thought of the book in general and about the last chapter specifically.
  • Posted about my reading challenge, which was a success and a failure at the same time.
  • Started beta-reading a book for my friend Z.R. Southcombe
  • Drafted a guest-post for Zee’s other website.
  • Started brainstorming about a story I might do for Camp NaNo in April. It might need more planing than I have time for, but we’ll see.

Exciting stuff, no? So will next week be as exciting? I hope so, because I will attempt to:

  • Do my daily writing
  • Finish the abovementioned guest post
  • Finish the abovementioned beta-reading
  • Post a new article on Hubpages
  • Finish my first read-through of the sequel draft

It feels fun and exciting to be in the rewriting phase again! By the way, I will be sending the sequel (boy, I need to name that thing!) out to beta readers in March. If you’re interested in beta reading it, let me know!


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