Twice Fortnightly – Almost Christmas

I can’t believe it’s only two days until Christmas! Okay, three for a lot of you but in this neck of the woods, we celebrate on the 24th. I have it mostly under control: the flat is clean-ish and has been at least partially Christmassed up, the presents are wrapped all except two and I know what I’m wearing to my parents’ place on Christmas Eve. All that’s left for tomorrow is a bit of baking and crossing my fingers that the package with the last two presents actually arrives!

This past week has been quite busy for me, or at least it was until Saturday which was the first of my 18 consecutive days off! I’m now on day 3 and it feels awesome. In spite of the busyness, last week I:

  • Wrote every day, albeit not much
  • Got Going Home up on Smashwords! Or well, it’s not approved for their Premium system yet but it can be bought in epub, mobi and a few other formats directly through Smashwords. Right here. I’ve already sold one through there so that’s fun!
  • Updated my Wattpad account with 3 new haikus.
  • Started my Unread Reading Challenge. So far I’m on book #3 so I’m right on track.
  • Kept doing my ThinkKit prompts, some of the time anyway…

totally forgot about One Year to a Writing Life, though. Oh well, that just makes my goals for the coming week:

  • Writing every day
  • Doing most of the last chapter of One Year to a Writing Life
  • Continuing with the ThinkKit prompts.
  • And reading lots!

A bit of a light list, there but hey… it’s Christmas! Whether you celebrate or not, and whether you celebrate it as a religious holiday or, like me, as a cultural one, I hope this holiday week is exactly what you want it to be!

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