Twice Fortnightly – Post-Christmas Productivity

Hello lovelies. It’s been a few weeks since I did a Twice Fortnightly. I blogged so much earlier in the month it didn’t feel worth it. In case you didn’t know, I did an advent calendar blog series called #AdventBoost. Check that out if you haven’t.

The week leading up to Christmas and the Christmas weekend was pretty intense for me. I’ve been trying to do 20 actual hours of writing or writing-related activity, since I haven’t been studying for the last few weeks, but I haven’t been hiting that quota really. This week, I plan to actually do that. 20 hours. I’m only at 2 for today but hey… that’s 6 days for the remaining 18. That’s doable, right? My writing to-do list this weeks looks thus:

  • Working on the missing scenes from my NaNo draft. I think it needs another 10-15k, but about 5k is my goal for the week.
  • Brainstorming and problem-solving for a new-ish idea of mine.
  • Writing one or two Hubpages articles/reviews.
  • Getting back into Flash Fiction Friday!

Should be a good week πŸ™‚ G’night gang!

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