#AdventBoost Day 15 – Kylie Wu of Trans Girl Next Door

Short post today, lovelies, because my bed and a early work meeting beckons. Let’s do it!

I discovered Trans Girl Next Door quite a while ago (might even have been a year or two, I can’t recall) and somehow misplaced the link (or possibly forgot to add it to my RSS app even though I meant to). Recently, I happened across it again with a “thaaaaaat’s what that comic was called!!”, much to my delight. Trans Girl Next Door is a comic about the regular life of a trans girl in her early 20s. It’s very funny, and the comic style is adorable!

Trans Girl Next Door is an autobiographical (or at least authbiographical-ish, iirc) comic created by comic artist Kylie Wu, who is a trans girl and, if I’ve understood correctly, Asian-American. You can follow Kylie Wu on Twitter @KylieWu and sponsor her on Patreon. She also has a Society 6 store where she sells adorable art prints and printed t-shirts, tank tops and hoodies. I really want one of those tank tops with either the LGBT or bi pride fish on it. We’ll see what my wallet says after Christmas…

Over on Zero, Eight Love today, a Christmas song.

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