#AdventBoost Day 14 – A. C. Buchanan

Today I want to turn your attention to A. C. Buchanan, who I’ve already mention in my first post as the editor of literary magazine Capricious. Apart from being an editor, A. C. is also an excellent spec-fic writer! I first met them a few years ago when I was randomly assigned to a Camp NaNoWriMo cabin that happened to be full of writers located in New Zealand. I don’t know if we really know each other well enough to say that we are friends (where does that line go anyway?), but they most certainly are someone I consider to be a very skilled colleague who I hold in high esteem.

I have, to date, only had the pleasure of reading two of A.C.’s works (apart from some small snippets here and there, on Twitter etc). The first one I read is called Invisible City, a gorgeous short fantasy story that I thoroughly enjoyed. And, just earlier tonight, I finished their novella Liquid City. In fact, I probably would’ve boosted them sooner in the month if not for the fact that I wanted to finish the book first (it took a bit longer than desired because I’ve had a bit on my plate lately). This book, you guys… It is so good. It’s one of those books that start out good, and then just gets better, and better. I loved everything about it: the worldbuilding, the characters (especially the characterization of the main character), the plot, the underlying themes, the prose itself. And the ending…. I won’t tell you what it was, obviously, except to say that it was one of those endings that start out with you going “what?” and then just… are everything. The ending has what might be the most beautiful case of symbolism I’ve encountered. Calling it symbolism almost feels cheap, to be honest. It’s just…. so full of meaning. You all need to read it, you really do.

To round back to the person behind the story: A.C. Buchanan is a queer, neurodiverse author who has a particular fondness for lobsters. You can follow them on Twitter @AndiBuchanan and visit their website here.

Over at Zero, Eight Love, tonight I talk about Christmas shopping.

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  1. Pingback: Advent Calendar Day 14 – Christmas Shopping – Zero, Eight, Love

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