Twice Fortnightly – Checkmarks!

The last few days I have, much to my enjoyment, actually been checking things off of to-do lists. That’s always a lovely feeling. I’ve caught some sort of second wind with this university thing I’m working on and although it’s still slow-going, it’s at least going and with a bit more enthusiasm than before. Writing wise, it’s also been a slow but decent week. I have:

  • Finished my first ever fan fiction draft. Gasp! It’s messy but I think I can get it into decent shape with a bit of poking. I was also quite please with myself, because after finishing the draft I resumed watching the show (I had stopped until the draft was finished to avoid spoilers of things happening after the events in the fic piece) and discovered that the episode in question used some imagery very close to what I’d used in the piece. I’m… very vaguely psychic? Yay!
  • Done a teeeeeeny bit of Patreon editing.
  • Posted something fairly personal for Flash Fiction Friday.
  • Made some choices about my online activities and priorities. These were not directly related to my writing, but will hopefully give me a bit less to be stressed out about which would impact my writing positively.

As for this coming week, it’s gonna be another busy one. My goals are:

  • Start editing the fan fic piece.
  • Finish editing one Patreon short.
  • Do Flash Fiction Friday.
  • Do a “Tribe News” post on Wednesday, because I’m long overdue for some signal boosting.

That’s it, guys. Tomorrow, work, language café and my weekly Numenera session are on the agenda, as well as a little studying and text poking editing. Good night!

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