Five, Seven, Five – ThinkKit Prompt #31

So it’s here, the last ThinkKit prompt of the year. I was too sleepy to write it last night after staying up to watch the fireworks and have a delicious dinner with my parents and my bf, so I’m doing it now instead. The prompt, to my delight, was to show something about your past, present and future through… haikus! If you follow me on Wattpad, you’ll know I like haikus. In fact I even updated my haiku album today. I will let that link speak for the past since it has haikus going back several years. As for the present, or rather last night, I had planned to write a bunch of NYE haikus but in the end I just wrote one. I call it Poor Dogs:

A million dollars
To whoever can invent
Quiet fireworks

 As for the future, well… Starting whenever I write a haiku next, I’m going to make a new Wattpad album for 2015 haikus, and close the old one for 2014 and earlier. I find it hard to know how to organize poetry, especially such short pieces, so I figure doing it chronologically is an easy way out.

So it’s 2015. I have high hopes for this year. I have plans, and goals. I couldn’t resist tweaking my 101 Things list earlier because I thought if something I’d forgotten. And as for ThinkKit… it’s been fun. And tiring. Will I do it again next December? I’m not sure. We’ll just have to see what mood I’m in.

ThinkKit is a blog project, with daily prompts in December. Friends who are also doing this are Zee Southcombe and Amanda Staley.

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