Writing Plans for 2015 (A.k.a. ThinkKit Prompt #22)

Today’s ThinkKit prompt is a free choice (Chef’s choice, as the email said) and since I’ve been thinking lately that I should post about my plans for 2015 on the blog I thought I’d make a “two birds, one stone” thing of it. I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about plans for next year on the blogs of my fellow writers lately and it’s had me thinking I should do one of my own. Since my plans are fairly sketchy, it’ll be a good deal less structured than most of the ones I’ve seen, but that’s ok by me.

The only thing I’m totally sure of is that next year I’ll finish and selfpublish the sequel to Going Home. It’ll also be a novella, probably a bit longer than the first. I wrote a first draft last year. It needs a bit of restructuring and then, of course, rewriting, beta reading, more rewriting, polishing and all the rest. It’s title eludes me, but that’s not unusual for me. I find titles really hard. It will be out in late May or early June.

I also have a few short stories I want to finish. I have 4 set in the same world as Going Home, two that are close to being finished and two that are only partial first drafts. I’m not sure if the last two will turn into anything, but I want to at least finish the two first ones. I’ll put them up on Wattpad and once I have a few I might publish them a short story collection. I will keep putting up poetry on Wattpad, too, probably mostly haikus but maybe other stuff too. I’ll also put up the contents of a poetry book I published via my gran’s little publishing company when I was 19 there.

In the less exciting end of writing, I want to get more articles up on Hubpages. I’d like to get at least ten written next year, but I don’t want to set a specific number to obsess over. There’ll be a few about Stockholm, some reviews, maybe a couple of recipes, that sort of thing. Additionally, I’ll be trying to do more freelance work (translation, proofing, that sort of thing).

And, of course, I will be doing NaNoWriMo and both versions of Camp most likely, but I don’t know yet whether I’ll draft or go the “rebel” way and revise.

I sort of wish I had a project that was bigger than shorts and articles for after Going Home‘s sequel is finished, but I can’t seem to pick a particular one. I have 3 finished first drafts, one novella and two novels, but none of them jumps to mind as the best choice. The first is in a world that might undergo serious revamping soon which would require the story to change a bit, the second I need to decide if it’s a stand-alone story or if I will be putting it into a bigger context and the third is the first part of a trilogy or quadrilogy and I’d really like to at least have a rough draft of the second one before I start reworking the first. Phew! But who knows, maybe I’ll draft something during Camp in April and then work on that after a brief summer break. Either way, I think 2015 will be an interesting year…

4 Replies to “Writing Plans for 2015 (A.k.a. ThinkKit Prompt #22)”

  1. 2015 will be a brilliant year. Your plans don’t seem too sketchy. They do sound quite varied though, which will keep the year exciting for you, I’m sure 🙂

  2. Pingback: One Small Step – ThinkKit Prompt #29 | Emma Lindhagen

  3. Pingback: 2015 Writing Round Up | Zee Southcombe

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