Twice Fortnightly – Regional Inspiration

This weekend I went on a road trip. Or rather, I went to visit an uncle for a family thing, and most of Saturday was spent on a road trip exploring sights he’d picked out in his region. We visited a nature reserve, an old church and the ruin of an abbey, an arboretum and an extraordinary cheese store. It was me, my parents and my boyfriend in the car and all in all I had a lovely time. Whenever I visit places in rural Sweden, I get inspired in a way that nothing else really brings.

Varnhem Abbey Church
Varnhem Abbey Church

This week I have:

  • Written ~540 words during my daily writing
  • Upload the rest of my haikus to my Wattpad account. I am really enjoying the comments I’ve received on my haikus so far!
  • Edited another chapter in Going Home, namely Chapter 3. If you’re wondering why I’m not doing them in order, it’s because I’m being lazy and leaving the chapters with bigger sections in need of serious rewriting for last.
  • Started slowly building a new story idea in my head. It sprung from the particular kind of inspiration mentioned above and is a novel written in Swedish inspired by Swedish folklore. I don’t write in Swedish very often (which is a blog post in itself, really) so it feels odd to think about writing a whole novel in Swedish but it might be a fun project eventually.

I did not, however, get around to finishing the exercises I was due to complete this week. I had planned to do them tonight but I got home late and then there was laundry and time sort of got away from me. So in the coming week I well:

  • Finish this chapter and draft the blog post about it.
  • Do my daily writing.
  • Edit one chapter of Going Home.
  • Select two excerpts from Going Home, which will eventually be posted on the blog, and decide on which dates to post them.
  • Post a blog challenge I’ve been tagged in. Exciting!

With that, dear friends, I bid you all a good night!

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