Twice Fortnightly – Talk to Me, Baby!

I’ve just returned from a rather lovely weekend at my parents’ summer house, where we celebrated Easter. I spent most of my time eating, napping, reading and watching people roleplay on YouTube. All in all, not bad! Hope you’ve had a lovely Easter too, celebrating or not. I discovered something cool this week, namely that dictation apps (voice-to-text) are really Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Talk to Me, Baby!

Twice Fortnightly – Happy Easter!

It’s Easter week! Hope ya’ll are doing good. I’m having a chill week this week, since apart from a brief thing on Wednesday I’m on vacation from work. I’m trying to focus on my thesis to feel like I’m getting some proper progress on that. It’s going pretty well, so far. We’ll see. Writing wise, since my last Twice Fortnightly Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Happy Easter!

Twice Fortnightly – So many ideas!

As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been brainstorming a bit about the future of the Orryn series lately and I have to tell you… at this point I am virtually swimming in ideas. It seems I can barely turn around without coming up with some new aspect I want to explore, a new theme or incident, a new perspective or reaction from one Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – So many ideas!

Twice Fortnightly – Re-re-re-restructuring my time

I realized today I have made a fatal error in my time management lately. My original plan was: three days for day job, two for studying and working on my thesis, one for writing and one day off (with, of course, the option of poking any of those things a bit extra on the other days once goals had been Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Re-re-re-restructuring my time

Twice Fortnightly – Blurbstorming!

Do you ever have those nights when you’re just gonna watch one episode of a show and it turns out to be a double-length episode and then suddenly it’s nearly 1 a.m. and your WordPress app keeps crashing and your boyfriend’s killing orcs or something on the computer so you put off blogging until the next day? No? Well, that’s Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Blurbstorming!

Twice Fortnightly – Coming out of a Slump

As you may have noticed, it’s been a bit quiet around here lately. I’ve been adjusting to getting back to work, and to gradually shifting more time and focus over to my studies. I also spent a few weeks with a completely shattered screen on my iPhone, which wouldn’t have been so bad if it was just the phone part I was Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Coming out of a Slump

Twice Fortnightly – Lil’ Milestones

This has been an exciting week, lingering colds not withstanding. I hit a small, but significant, author milestone (see the last bullet point on my list of achievements this week). I also did some actual student stuff for the first time in a while. Specifically, I sent in a project description for my BA thesis. Mostly a formality since I Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Lil’ Milestones

Twice Fortnightly – *Atchoo!*

I have had the most awful cold this past week. I don’t get (properly) sick very often, and being ill enough that I can’t work or really do much else aside from veg around and cough a lot for a whole week is almost unheard of in my world. It’s also left me pretty restless because I haven’t been so Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – *Atchoo!*

Twice Fortnightly – I’m on Patreon!

Yes, that’s right, I now have a Patreon page. Check it out! I’ll be honest: I don’t really have a plan, and I don’t quite know what I’m doing. But hey… sometimes you just gotta go for it! As I’ve mentioned, for the next six months or so, University will be my main priority and writing will get less time allocated to Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – I’m on Patreon!

Twice Fortnightly – 2015 in Review

So… I got fuckall done this week. But instead on dwelling on that, and the reasons why, I’m going to focus on all the things I did do, not this past week but the whole past year. A bit of a recap, to remind myself that I am in fact moving forward and getting stuff done even when it doesn’t feel like it. So, in Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – 2015 in Review