Twice Fortnightly – Winner!!

Yesterday, I won Camp NaNo! My goal was only 15k, but even so I’m happy about it. I’ve finished one short, nearly finished a second and have maybe 25% of a third. If I can keep up a decent pace (having already won is surprisingly demotivating), I am hoping I’ll hit 20k and have two finished and one half-finished shorts Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Winner!!

Twice Fortnightly – New-ish Projects

I hope you’ve all had a good week! I’ve had a okay week myself. This week I’m back to my original routine of worldbuilding, studying and writing as opposed to worldbuilding, writing and worldbuilding. To be honest, the double worldbuilding sessions didn’t make too much of a difference, I wasted most of them overthinking things and not working. Hopefully this Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – New-ish Projects

Twice Fortnightly – Worldbuilding Week!

Last night I handed in a long overdue assignment. It didn’t turn out very well, but I’m holding out hope that it turned out well enough and that I won’t have to re-do it. Next week I’m moving on to the next module on my to-study list, but this week I’m giving myself a bit of a break from Uni. Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Worldbuilding Week!

Twice Fortnightly – Spotty Progress

It’s been a weird first week of Camp NaNoWriMo. I’ve had two good days, two awful days and one okay day (hopefully a late night writing spurt will make it two okay days so far). I’m still well on track for my goal of 15k (I raised it from 10k a couple of days in), but I’m having some trouble Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Spotty Progress

Twice Fortnightly – One Day Left!

Until Camp NaNoWriMo, that is. And personally, I’m just itching to get started! It’s been a really good week this week. The schedule I set up for myself in last week’s update is working really well! Quite contrary to what I feared, the studying part of it has progressed slowly but surely, and the part I’ve struggled the most with has Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – One Day Left!

Twice Fortnightly – The Waiting Game

I did it, guys! I finished my edits! And I’m exhausted! It was a strange week. Total brain-blockage all week, and then edited like a mad woman all weekend. Now the MS is with the proofreaders, and it looks like I’ll hear back from both her and the cover artist on Wednesday. So today I’ve been relaxing, and tomorrow I play Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – The Waiting Game

Twice Fortnightly – Crunch Time!

That’s right guys, it’s crunch time! Edits are going well, if a bit more slowly than I’d like. This week I have: Did my daily writing, which mostly consisted of editing Dress Rehearsal Rag. It needs to be run through twice more or so, but it’s starting to get there! Just a few more kinks to iron out. Got my cover shot Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Crunch Time!

Twice Fortnightly – Feedback! Sweet, sweet feedback!

Exciting news, guys! I got notes on Dress Rehearsal Rag from the first of my beta readers the other day. And let me tell you, they rock! So helpful. I’m going to start working through them later today, and hopefully notes from the others should come in later in the week. I always feel like a headless chicken when it comes Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Feedback! Sweet, sweet feedback!

Twice Fortnightly – Riveting Realizations

I had a lovely realization recently. It was this: in my company account I have a few hundred dollars, money I’ve earned on my freelance translations. I am perfectly allowed to use that money to reinvest in my business by spending it on things relation to my writing (since that is, after all, part of my business). It could even Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Riveting Realizations

Twice Fortnightly – More Baby Steps

It’s been a pretty good week, here. Nice weather and a lot of things checked off the to-do list. Mostly small things, but it’s progress anyway. I’ve had a strange feeling of being very busy and at the same time not really doing anything. In spite of that, this past week I have: Done my daily writing, just random bits Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – More Baby Steps