Twice Fortnightly – Poetic Prose is tricky

No pictures of pretty churches this week, I’m afraid. I’ve had a bit of a slow week. I got stuck on one of the writing exercises I was supposed to finish, writing a prose poem, and it took me several days to get it done. I’ll tell you more about why when I post August’s exercises. I somehow managed to Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Poetic Prose is tricky

Twice Fortnightly – Regional Inspiration

This weekend I went on a road trip. Or rather, I went to visit an uncle for a family thing, and most of Saturday was spent on a road trip exploring sights he’d picked out in his region. We visited a nature reserve, an old church and the ruin of an abbey, an arboretum and an extraordinary cheese store. It Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Regional Inspiration