Twice Fortnightly – Bye Blog Ahead, Hello NaNo!

That’s right, NaNo is here! Day 3, in fact. How did that happen? Quick, belated blog post today. Last week I:

  • Prepped, successfully for NaNo!
  • Started NaNo! I met my goal on Day 1 and 2 and it’s looking good for Day 3, so here’s to a good month.
  • Posted about currents for Worldbuilding Wednesday!
  • Finished the Blog Ahead challenge with 10 posts! Lol. Not exactly 31, but it’s 10 more than before.
  • Read through an old, partial draft I adored! <3 Must work on that again soon.
  • Announced a giveaway of paperback books and awesome art! Check it out!

So what does this week hold. Well:

  • Lots and lots of NaNo! The official target for Sunday 9th (with 50k) in mind is 15k, but I’d like to get ahead at least a bit so my goal is 17k or more!
  • Continue doing research for this project and other books in the same series. Currently on F on Wikipedia’s big list of legendary creatures.
  • Order canvas prints for the giveaway above, and arrange for another art commission for an upcoming giveaway (gotta do one for Dress Rehearsal Rag, after all!).

That’s it! NaNo is prio number one now. I’m not going to be doing any Flash Fiction Friday posts during November, and I may or may not do Worldbuilding Wednsday. We’ll just have to see. NaNo started a bit slow, and I’m struggling a bit to focus so I keep writing random scenes from later on in the book, but hopefully I’ll be able to push through and continue with chapter 2 soon. Wish me luck with all my typing!

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