One Small Step – ThinkKit Prompt #28

Today’s ThinkKit prompt is to write about something you can do to support a goal you have for 2015. One of the more specific prompts of the month, I think. Now, I’m not gonna talk about my goals for 2015 since I already blogged about those a few days ago.

So instead I’m gonna tell you guys that I signed up on a website called the DayZero where you can create challenges for yourself. The most common challenge on the site is called the 101 Things in 1001 Days challenge and that’s the one I’m participating in. I found out about it through some friends on Twitter this morning and at first I thought it was way too big a project for me but as the day went by I couldn’t quite get it out of my head. I kept thinking about what I could put on my list, where I wanted to be in about 3 years. Finally I decided to sign up and honestly, I think taking a more long term perspective on things will be really good for me and will help me to keep on track with my goals for 2015. You can see my list of goals here, if you’re interested. There’s only 15 so far, but I’ll be adding more over the next few days, especially once I’ve snooped around my friends’ lists for inspiration.

ThinkKit is a blog project, with daily prompts in December. Friends who are also doing this are Zee Southcombe and Amanda Staley.

2 Replies to “One Small Step – ThinkKit Prompt #28”

  1. Awesome list, Emma. And I’m sure it will grow! Getting a tattoo is on my list – I have a few planned (a ship, an anchor and a monarch butterfly) but haven’t been able to justify spending the money yet.

    The next 1001 days sound brilliant. Who knows what will happen, but goals are good!

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